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Water's Touch:
Blissful Bath Babies Courses

Welcome to Blissful Bath Babies, a brand new water based sensory experience for you and your baby.


Bath Babies is a very unique type of baby class where the focus is all about time out for you, giving you the space and time to really connect with your baby through nurturing touch in a small and friendly environment.


It is a beautiful sensory experience with the added bonus

of being done in water, which is one of the most natural places

for a baby to be ...after all they have not long left your womb.


Bath Babies is the perfect way to introduce your

baby to water experiences and as it is neither a'"spa experience"

or a 'cleansing bath". It is the perfect way for you

to become confident holding  and moving your baby through water.


Each baby will have their own bath, bath thermometer

and plenty of sensory water toys will be provided for you to

use during the sessions which will be calm and relaxing and will

always follow your baby's cues.


Once out of the bath and babies are warm and dry,

we will complete the session with a gentle nurturing massage

to really relax them before they fall asleep or need a feed and you get

time for a chat and some cake.


Towels will be provided and washed in Fairy Non-Bio, however you are welcome to bring your own towels if you prefer.


Classes are 90 minutes long so will be unhurried and there will be plenty of time to feel relaxed and at ease within the group and as a midwife I will set aside 30 minutes at the end of the class to answer any worries or concerns you may have about yourself or your baby. 


There will also be the opportunity each week to get your baby weighed should you so wish.


Bath Babies courses are a new modality for the water and have been carefully researched and backed up fully by neuroscience. and written by Aquasensory and experts in the fields of emotional well being, infant massage, attachment . mindfulness and nurture coaching.


I look forwards to seeing you in class and sharing some special time with you and you baby.


Baths are limited to 10 per session so early booking is advised.



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